Wednesday 7 December 2016

English Language Challenges

Hello guys!!!! D:! What are you doing??? Prepare yourself for another amazing post about uninteresting topics by an uninteresting guy :’v.
In this time I’m going to talk about english languages challenges. The english language it’s very difficult for me, Has strange sounds that do not exist in Spanish and the pronunciation It’s difficult. In general my experience learning english in university it’s bad, because the topics don’t help me for my student problems. For example, the topics for travel to the world
are far from my reality, I need read articles in english. In that sense, the blog is more useful because permit me practice the read and writing in english.
The aspect that I need improve it’s my read ability, because there is a lot of bibliography in that language and I lose a lot time trying to traduce the papers. For improve I practice in my house, watching movies in english (with subtitles, obviously :v), playing games in that language (Duolingo it’s a good app for practice every day in a Little time) and try to talk in short phrases with my girlfriend. I also sometimes see memes in English :V but not very effective :B
Outside the english class I’m not use the english, only for try read some articles, but I lose a lot time so I don’t practice much u.u

Well guys that is all for today, I hope that your teachers of English in your childhood have been better than mine :c. I see you nevermore :D that it’s the last blog. Good bye!!! :3 

*No sé inglés, ¿Qué dice ahí?* :v

Wednesday 23 November 2016

My dear faculty ...

Hello mates! Are you ready to rock!!?  lml (¬n¬) lml (okno u.u). Well guys, in this ocassion i’m going to talk about some changes that could be made to my study programme. My carrer, anthropology, Needs many changes (seriously).
To get started, the carrer have many innecesary courses Which could reduce to 3 years the necessary 5 years for finish this. It’s horrible also take courses that do not interest us because Those that interest us Have scheduling problems (¬n¬).
The workload is excesive, too much courses (in one ocassion i had nine courses and one assistantship), too much hours in university and too much hours studying. In my case I also travel 5 hours a day… This place consumes your life T.T
The carrer should last 3 years, and one semester more for the tesis or the complete year, but the fourth year shouldn’t have anymore.
On the other hand, the Faculty facilities… this place has many faults. The space is very small for the all students, there is no cafeteria where lunch. Neither we have a place for study (the library it’s noisy :v). The classrooms are very hot in summer and the ceiling fan it’s very noisy for listen to teachers u.u This place it’s very precarious :’v
The technology not the best, the laboratories are too small and poors for the all of us. And the teaching methods… I don’t like them. The system is very competitive, One comes to the university to make contacts…

Well guys that is all for this time,  It was an honor to unload with you :v bye! :3

Wednesday 16 November 2016

My favorite Book, The Silmarillion.

Hello mates! How are you! Prepare yourself, grab your seat for read about the most amazing book in the world! (for me :B) The Silmarillion of J.R.R. Tolkien. The Silmarillion is an epic story of the creation of the world and the first age. The book contains gods, elves, dragons, mystic creatures and the most important, dwarfs! The most wonderful species in the literary universe. It's basically a holy bible, because Tolkien creates a mythopia, a place so detailed that can be mapped O:!
My favorite author is J.R.R. Tolkien (as you had realize), he writes many books about this, that make up a great literary universe. The most popular books are “The Lord of Rings”, “The Hobbit” and “The Silmarillion”. Also his son Cristopher Tolkien continues enriching this world, closing stories and remembering forgotten characters.
On the other hand, I prefer read the genre of fantastic literature, I really like the epic stories and specially the dragons and dwarfs :v The dragons are very powerful creatures and dwarfs are strong and stubborn XD.
The last book I read is “Percy Jackson and The Last Olympian” because I have an app of public library where I ask for books (free! :D), and I need something to entertain me in my bus trips (every day u.u). This saga is very easy to read, I recommend it for relax a little.

Well guys that is all for today, energy for the end of semester and read Tolkien. Bye! :3

Ulmo appears before Tuor (Ted Nasmith)

Wednesday 9 November 2016

My plans of postgraduate studies.

Hello classmates!! Here we go again with another electrifying blog :v (it’s a lie u.u). In the future I plan take the magister in Facso, is an opportunity for the licensed students for continue the study. Between the main reasons, is because i’m too old (I’m 25 years old and I have not finished my university studies yet :‘v).
After that I’m go to take a doctorate in abroad (I hope), in a country with Spanish language >.<, probably Spain, or Japan (I've heard that they do some classes in Spanish). Also I like the Portuguese language, maybe I’m go to Portugal or Brazil (everything depends on money :’c). Also depends on the plans I have with my girlfriend, the idea is travel together an study in a near place.
The subject that I would like study is something more specific of Archaeology or Paleontology (My childhood dream <3 <3 <3). Also I think study something of another field, but I’m not decide about that, the idea is to be complementary with my current studies, the archaeology.
I would like study in part-time courses, because I want enjoy the time in another country, know the landscapes and beautiful places and eat delicious meat (all with my girlfriend :3).

Well guys this is all for today, energy for the end of semester, I see you the next week :3 Bye!

Wednesday 26 October 2016

My plans for the next summer :B

Hi guys! How are you? In this ocassion i’m going to talk about my plans to the summer.  In my holidays principally I go to sleep a lot :v. Minimum 12 hours a day, although the first 5 days i’m not wake <3.
Later of this i’m go to the my girlfriend’s house, probably. In this place we’re go to climb hills and enjoy the landscapes (I love it). Also we’re visit the archaeological sites in the closeness. After we hope go to the south of Chile and visit the wonderful places, camp and eat traditional food.
When we return probably our visit differents museums and go to differents parks. And we take a lot selfies in the process :V
We practice our respective martial arts (she always win to me u.u jajajaja). The capoeira is not very effective against the jiujitsu :c but I don’t give up :3
 Also we’re go to walking a lot (for play pokemon go and add many kilometers for hatching the pokemon eggs).
I’m planning work in the summer, probably in someone library. Also I read my books of archaeology to prepare assistantships for the university and prepare for my thesis (T.T). But principally i plans relax and enjoy my holidays.

Well guys that is all for today, regards. Enjoy your weekend :B bye!

In the summer time (8) XDXDXd

Wednesday 19 October 2016

My future Job, impacts in archaeology :B

Hello again mates! How are you? In this time I’m going to talk about my probably job in the future, the impacts in archaeology :v. The impacts are the, for example, an archaeologist to survey any place when it required to build something. The archaeologist protect the cultural heritage. In some cases, even is possible stop the Jobs (rarely u.u).
This job is outdoor, the archaeologist sites are in many places, the mountains, the beach, rivers, lakes, meadows, or other places. Therefore is necesary walk a lot :B. I would like travel a lot, with the archaeology is possible go all over  the territory of Chile, and more.
The salary of an archaeologist i’ts not a very good (as anyone in the social sciences T.T), for this is necesary job in many impacts (during a Little time), for have more resources and in this moment work on an archaeological topic of my interest.
At present i’m studing archaeology (in my four year), because when i’m a child i like so much the dinosaurs XD. To i’m grow, i’m begin study archaeology because it is what most resembles paleontology in Chile. I like this major, but I just want it to end son XD i’m very tired.
Well guys that is all, thanks for readme :B bye!!!!!

Resultado de imagen para indiana jones rock

Wednesday 12 October 2016

My favorite movie, Kung Fu panda 1 :B

Hello guys, how are you? In this occasion I’m going to talk about my favorite movie in the world, kung Fu panda 1.
This movie is the best because although is a kids movie have messages for every ages. Po is a panda, he live with their father in a restaurant of noodles. He admires the five furious, a five master of animal kung Fu. The story tells how he transform of a panda without talent in a dragon warrior, the world savior. In the end (spoiler alert :v) he get defeat to the enemy, Tai Long the leopard of the snow.
I don’t remember the first time I saw it this movie, probably in the year 2008.
I like animated movies, because in general have happy endings. I like see happy movies for make my happy :D I don’t like sad movies or terror movies u.u It’s free suffering, don’t thanks :B.
The most recent movie that I saw was Creed, tell the story of Adonis Creed, the son of the famous boxer Apollo Creed. The movie is good but don’t like that Donnie (Spoiler alert) lose in the final fight :c.

Well guys is all for today, sorry for the spoilers. Thanks for readme :3.