Wednesday 16 November 2016

My favorite Book, The Silmarillion.

Hello mates! How are you! Prepare yourself, grab your seat for read about the most amazing book in the world! (for me :B) The Silmarillion of J.R.R. Tolkien. The Silmarillion is an epic story of the creation of the world and the first age. The book contains gods, elves, dragons, mystic creatures and the most important, dwarfs! The most wonderful species in the literary universe. It's basically a holy bible, because Tolkien creates a mythopia, a place so detailed that can be mapped O:!
My favorite author is J.R.R. Tolkien (as you had realize), he writes many books about this, that make up a great literary universe. The most popular books are “The Lord of Rings”, “The Hobbit” and “The Silmarillion”. Also his son Cristopher Tolkien continues enriching this world, closing stories and remembering forgotten characters.
On the other hand, I prefer read the genre of fantastic literature, I really like the epic stories and specially the dragons and dwarfs :v The dragons are very powerful creatures and dwarfs are strong and stubborn XD.
The last book I read is “Percy Jackson and The Last Olympian” because I have an app of public library where I ask for books (free! :D), and I need something to entertain me in my bus trips (every day u.u). This saga is very easy to read, I recommend it for relax a little.

Well guys that is all for today, energy for the end of semester and read Tolkien. Bye! :3

Ulmo appears before Tuor (Ted Nasmith)


  1. J.J.R. Tolkien is a genius creating wolrds!!

  2. I only read The Lord of the rings, and it was a good book for me. I was thinking about reading The Hobbit because I haven't watched the movie neither, but I think for the moment I don't have time for that :(

  3. Really good book, Tolkien create a world so amazing!!! love it :)

  4. I would like some day read Tolkin, I only watch movie of lord of the rings, I belive that the books must good. Bye

  5. "The Hobbit" is the best! I loved when Bilbo and Gollum play to the riddles >.<
